Список игр! , Проверенные\Не запустились \ Лагают
10 сентября 2009 00:05
Сообщение #1

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Практически все игры из этого списка работают!
Как различить!
Уже проверенные - * Silent Hill 4: The Room
Не проверенные - * Wall-E
Не запустилась или лагает очень сильно - * ZSnes


* 18 WoS - Across America
* 4x4 Evolution 2
* XIII 13

Английские алфавит

* A.I.M. 2: Clan Wars
* A.I.M. Racing
* Act of War:Direct Action
* age of empire 1
* age of empire 2
* age of empire 3
* Age of Mythology (всё на макс.)
* America’s Army
* Aliens vs. Predator 3 in 1
* American McGee's Alice
* Aquaria
* Area 51
* Armed & Dangerous
* Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
* Atomic Cannon
* Aurora Watching: Gorky Zero
* avatar : The Last Airbender
* Avatar The Last Airbender: The Path of Zuko
* Avencast: Rise of the mage
* Axis and Allies

* baja 1000 (идет но лаги ! дальность бы убрать было бы круто)))
* Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn
* Bandits: Phoenix Rising
* BattleField 1942 - Антология
* Battlefield Heroes
* Balls of Steel
* BattleZone 2
* Beyond Good & Evil
* Bejeweled 2
* BMW M3 Challenge - (Огромные лаги)
* Brothers in Arms - Road to Hill 30
* Brothers in Arms - Earned in Blood
* Breed Особь (с 3данализером 0.5-1фпс)
* Black & White
* Black & White 2
* Blade & Sword
* Blood Rayne 1
* Blood magic
* Boiling Point: Road to Hell ( Xenus - Точка кипения )
* Breath of Fire IV
* Braid

* Cabela\'s 4x4 Adventures III
* Call of Duty 1
* Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
* Carmageddon TDR 2000 + Nosebleed Pack
* Caesar 3
* Chaos Legion
* Chaser
* City of Heroes
* Clive Barker's Undying
* Conan
* Conflict Desert Storm
* codename: Panzers phase one
* Cold war
* Cold Zero: The Last Stand
* Colin McRae 2
* Colin McRae 2
* Combat Flight Simulator 3
* Command and Conquer: Generals
* Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2
* Command and Conquer: Renegade
* Command and Conquer: Tiberiun Sun
* Condemned: Criminal Origins
* Cossacks: European Wars
* Cossacks Back To War
* Cossacks: The Art of War
* Counter-Strike 2D
* Crayon Physics Deluxe
* Crimson Skies
* Curse of Monkey Island
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30 сентября 2009 02:26
Сообщение #2

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Группа: Гости
Сообщений: 0
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* Deadhun
* Dead Man's Hand
* Death Track (не запускается)
* Daemon Vector
* Deer Hunter 2005
* Defcon
* Deus Ex
* Desperados 2: Cooper\'s Revenge
* Diablo II/Diablo II Lord of Destruction (~25 FPS@800600)
* DMZ North Korea
* Doom 3
* DOSBox
* Downtown Run
* Drake of the 99 Dragons
* Driver
* Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project (~30 FPS@800600, High Detail)
* Dungeon Keeper 2
* Dungeon Siege
* Dungeon Siege II
* Dungeon Siege Legends of Aranna
* Dune 2000

* Earache Extreme Metal Racing
* Emperor: Battle for Dune
* Emperor- Rise of the Middle Kingdom
* Enclave
* Enter the Matrix
* Etch A Sketch
* Etherlords
* ETROM: the astral essence
* EuroTrack simulator - (Жестокие лаги)
* Evil Islands
* EX-Machine

* F1 2001
* F.E.A.R (v1.08 работает лучше)
* Fahrenheit
* Fallout
* Fall: Last Days of Gaia, The
* Fallout 2
* Far Cry
* FIFA 08
* Final Fantasy XI Online
* Flatout
* Flatout 2
* Football Manager 2008 (требует патч, смотри тут)
* Ford Racing 2
* Ford Racing 3
* Ford Racing Off Road (на минимальных настройках)
* Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone
* Freedom Fighters
* Freedom Force vs. The 3rd Reich
* Freelancer
* Fuel - (Не запустилась)
* Fusion

* GearGrinder - (Не запустилась)
* Giants Citizen Kabuto
* Glasier
* Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance
* Global Operations
* Gothic I
* Gothic 2
* Grand Chase
* Grand Theft Auto
* Grand Theft Auto: london 1969
* Grand Theft Auto: 2
* Grand Theft Auto: 3
* Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
* Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
* Great Fishing
* GT Legends
* Guild Wars
* Gun
* GunMetal

* Half-Life + Opposing Force + Blue Shift (и конечно же Counter-Strike, Team Fortress, другие моды)
* Half-Life 2
* Halo: Combat Evolved
* Harley-Davidson Race to the Rally
* hellgate london
* Heroes of Might and Magic 3
* Heroes of Might and Magic V
* Hidden and Dangerous
* Hidden and Dangerous 2
* Hitman: Codename 47
* Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
* Hitman 3: Contracts
* Homeworld
* Hover Ace
* Hostile Waters
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1 октября 2009 13:53
Сообщение #3

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Группа: Гости
Сообщений: 0
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* I of the Dragon
* IGI 2 Скрытый удар
* Insane
* Imperium Galactica II: Alliances

* Jade Empire: Special Edition
* Jaws Unleashed
* Juiced
* Just Cause
* Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis

* Kabus 22
* Knights of the Temple II
* Knight Rider
* Killing Floor
* KILL Switch

* Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green
* Lagsters
* Last Chaos
* LEGO Racers Drome Racers
* LEGO Racers 2
* Lemony Snicket's
* Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver I and II
* Lego Indiana Jones
* Legion Arena: Cult of Mithras
* Lionheart
* Live For Speed
* LOTR: Battle for Middle-Earth

* Made Man
* Magna Carta: The Phantom of Avalanche
* Mafia
* Majesty: Gold Edition
* Manhunt1
* MapleStory
* Max Payne
* Max Payne 2
* MechCommander 2 (<30 FPS@800600)
* MechWarrior 3
* MechWarrior 4
* Medal of Honor Allied Assault
* Medieval: Total War
* Mega Man X8
* Metal Gear Solid
* metal gear solid 2 (звук есть но черный экран)
* Microsoft Train Simulator
* Mobile Forces
* Monopoly Tycoon
* Motocross Madness 2
* Moto Racer 3 Gold Edition
* Mount & Blade
* MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch
* Mutant

* Need for Speed 5 Porshe Unleashed
* Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
* Need for Speed Underground
* Need for Speed Underground 2
* Need for Speed Most Wanted, (очень мало фпс)
* Need for Russia: Сделано в СССР
* Nitro Stunt Racing: Stage 1
* NeverWinter Nights + Shadows of Undrentide
* No One Lives Forever. Game of the Year Edition
* No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way
* Nascar Thunder 2004
* NASCAR SimRacing
* NHL 2004
* NHL 2009

* Obscure 2
* Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
* Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis
* Operation Flashpoint: Resistance
* Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - (Не запустилась)
* Outcast
* Overclocked:A History of Violence
* Overlord (не запускается)
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2 октября 2009 18:26
Сообщение #4

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Группа: Гости
Сообщений: 0
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* Painkiller: Крещеный кровью
* Panzer Killer!
* Pariah
* Peggle
* Penumbra:Black Plague (в черный екран)
* Peter Jackson’s King Kong
* Planescape: Torment
* Plants vs. Zombies
* Postal 2 + дополнения
* Portable World War II Pacific Heroes
* Portal
* Phantasy Star Universe
* Prince of Persia 1
* Prince of Persia 2
* Prince of Persia 3
* Project64
* Project Nomads
* Project IGI
* Project IGI 2
* Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
* Psychonauts
* Pathologic
* Puzzle Hero
* punisher (0, 1 фпс)

* Quake 2
* Quake III Arena

* Railroad Tycoon 3
* Rails across America
* Rayman Raving Rabbids
* RC Cars
* Re-Volt
* Red Faction
* Resident Evil 4: Ultimate Edition
* Return to Castle Wolfenstein
* rFactor
* RF Online
* Roller Coaster Tycoon 2
* Rome: Total War
* Rune
* Rogue Trooper
* Runaway 2: The Dream of the Turtle

* S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Тень Чернобыля (Лицензия + патч 6 min quality 800х600)
* S.W.I.N.E.
* Sacrifice
* Sam & Max - Season 1 & 2
* Samurai Warriors 2
* sango 2
* Sauerbraten
* scar face
* Screamer 4x4 (Direct 3D)
* Second Life
* Second Sight
* Severance: Blade of Darkness
* Second Sight
* Serious Sam: The First Encounter
* ShellShock: Nam '67
* Sid Meier’s Pirates
* Silent Hill 2
* silent hill 3 (звук есть но черный экран)
* Silent Hill 4: The Room
* Sim City 3000
* Sim City 4
* Simon the Sorcerer 2
* sims 2
* Slickball
* Snes9x
* Soldier of Fortune
* Soldier of Fortune 2
* Soldiers of Anarchy
* Sonic Heroes
* Sonic Adventure DX
* Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators
* Sparta Ancient Wars
* Special Forces: Nemesis Strike
* SpellForce Gold Edition
* Spore Creature Editor
* Star Wars: Empire at War
* Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy
* Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
* Star Wars Republic Commando
* Star Trek: Starfleet Command Orion Pirates
* Starcraft
* StarCraft: Brood War
* StateShift
* StarTopia
* StepMania
* Street Racing Syndicate (SRS)
* System Shock 2
* Suffering, The
* Suffering: Ties That Bind, The
* Summoner
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5 октября 2009 10:40
Сообщение #5

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Сообщений: 0
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* Taxi 3: eXtreme Rush
* Terrorist Takedown 2
* Test Drive Overdrive
* Time of War
* The Cars
* The Eye of Dragon
* The Matrix: Path of Neo
* The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
* The Godfather
* The Godfather II - Не запустилась
* The Hulk
* The Incredible Hulk
* The Regiment
* The Ship
* The Simpsons: Hit & Run
* Theme Hospital
* Thief 2: The Metal Age
* Thing, The
* Throne of Darkness
* Toca race Driver 3
* Tom Clancy's Splinter Celll
* Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
* Tomb Raider Legend
* Toon Car
* Toon Car 2
* Tony Jaa's Tom-Yum-Goong: The Game
* Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
* Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
* Tony Hawk's Underground 2
* Total Annihilation
* Total Overdose
* Tough Trucks: Modified Monsters
* Track Mania
* Track Mania Nations
* TrackMania Sunrise Extreme
* Transformers The Movie Game
* Transport Giant
* True Crime: Streets OF L.A
* True Crime: New York City (не запустилась!)
* Trucker 2 - Дальше меню не идет
* Tux Racer

* Unreal Gold
* Unreal 2 The Awakening
* Unreal Tournament ( 40-60 FPS@1024600)
* Unreal Tournament 2004
* Ultimate Spider-Man
* Up: The Video Game - не запускается
* Uplink
* Urban terror 4.1
* US Racer

* V-Rally 3
* Vampire: The Masquerade Redemption
* Vietcong

* Wall-E
* War World: Планета роботов
* Warhammer 40000 Fire Warrior
* Warcraft III
* WinUAE
* Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
* World of Goo
* World of Warcraft
* Worms Armageddon
* Worms 3D
* WWE RAW Ultimate Impact

* Zeus: Master of Olympus
* ZSnes

Русские алфавит

* Дальнобойщики: Путь к победе
* Дальнобойщики 2
* Миллионер Classic
* Русская рыбалка 1.6
* УАЗ 4х4 (все части лаги жуть! 3-7фпс)
* Хаммер (из той же серии что и уаз вообще 1 фпс)
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